Minda makes way for new Minda Housing properties
With civil works coming to a close, the construction stage has commenced on new Minda Housing properties.
“May was a month when the landscape across the Minda site really started to change, with the framework for houses going up, and the tower crane being erected,” Executive Infrastructure Director Michelle Gheorghiu says.
“It is an exciting time and points to the future of Minda and Minda Housing, how we can work together to achieve such great things and fulfil Minda’s vision for the Brighton site and achieve the physical expression of person-centred thinking.”
Much has occurred to-date, with the erection of the tower crane in May, the completion of ground floor slabs and formwork commencing to apartments for people Minda support, as well as completion of concrete slabs and structural steelwork to the lifestyle precinct buildings.
In terms of houses for people who choose to live at Brighton, ground floor slabs have been completed in addition to wall and roof framing to Repton Road houses.
“In terms of projected works, by September we will be looking forward to the completion of structure for the two apartments for Minda Housing and the Minda lifestyle precinct, with internal fit-out commencing,” SARAH Constructions Project Administrator, Tanis Wood says.