Our Standards

Minda Housing Limited is a South Australian Tier 2 Provider under the National Regulatory System Community Housing (NRSCH).

The National Regulatory Code sets out the performance requirements that registered housing providers must comply with in providing community housing under the National Law. A key purpose of the NRSCH is to improve tenant outcomes and protect vulnerable tenants. In maintaining this registration, you can have confidence that Minda Housing Limited is meeting nationally consistent performance standards for service delivery.

As a Registered Housing Provider, Minda Housing Limited will:

  • Be fair, transparent and responsive in delivering housing assistance to tenants, residents and other people we support
  • Have suitable properties available now and in the future
  • Work in partnership with relevant organisations to promote community housing and to contribute to socially inclusive communities
  • Be well-governed to support the aims and intended outcomes of our business
  • Maintain high standards of probity relating to our business
  • Manage our resources to achieve our intended business outcomes in a cost-effective manner
  • Be financially viable at all times.

For more information, please refer to the NRSCH Housing website

As a tenant of Minda Housing Limited, you can expect:

  • To be treated with dignity and respect
  • To be assisted to explore options, so you can make choices to best meet your needs
  • To feel safe, secure and supported
  • For your privacy to be respected and for your personal information kept confidential.

We value your feedback and input to our services and will ask for your input in different ways, including tenant surveys.

If you have any questions about your tenancy, or would like any other information about your tenancy, please feel free to contact us. Our staff will do their best to assist you with your enquiries and matters relating to your tenancy and housing needs.